What is LED Photon Therapy and How Does It Work?

One of the most creative and powerful ways to help deal with skin conditions is LED Photon Therapy. This therapy is not only very powerful, it can eliminate or at least remove many issues related to psoriasis, fine lines and acne. There are different types of light therapy, and it’s important to know how LED Photon Therapy works. That way, you have a very good understanding of how it can help, if it’s ok for you or not, and what you can do with it.
Understanding LED Photon Therapy
When you understand the LED Photon Therapy process, you will notice this is a skin treatment without the use of ultraviolet light. That is very important, because UV rays can be very dangerous for the skin. However in this case, you just have low level light with different colors and wavelengths. That makes it much safer, and it certainly delivers a powerful perspective to the entire process.
There are different light colors, such as green, red, blue or amber. These can sometimes be combined with 5-aminolevulinic acid. Applying that medicine to the skin can be great, since it will help improve the treatment. Plus, it encourages melanogenesis, while helping with issues like photodermatitis and keeping phototoxicity away as well.
Types of light therapy
LED Photon Therapy
The photon therapy combines different types of lights in order to treat skin issues and conditions. The LED photon therapy process is designed to expose your skin to certain types of photon light. Bleu light can be used to treat acne, and it can assist you with lowering the amount of oil generated by your glands.
Red light on the other hand can help alleviate redness, and it also stimulates the skin cells to deliver more collagen. In addition, it can boost your hair growth, and it even helps with psoriasis, plaques and other similar problems. It’s even said that it can assist if you have skin cancer.
Laser therapy
Laser therapy can be extremely efficient since it can help remove damaged skin. It uses a type of laser like fraxel laser which helps remove unwanted, dead skin tissue. It can help tighten your skin, while removing fine lines and treating wrinkles. It’s also just as good against sun damage, hyperpigmentation or any type of scars too.
Infrared therapy
You can use dedicated infrared technology to target various skin conditions and problems. Issues like psoriasis can be very prevalent, same with wrinkles or changes in the skin texture. What infrared therapy does is it boosts the elastin and collagen production levels. It helps stimulate fibroblasts, while still being highly efficient and protecting your skin.
Components of LED Photon Therapy devices
Generally, the LED photon devices tend to have different components that help generate a specific intensity for the product. With that in mind, you have the first LED bulb which has a low power intensity, but which focuses on stability, then the second chip will have either 2 or 3 color diodes, like green, blue, red or near-infrared.
The third LED is a high power LED, and it’s designed specifically for high intensity. When you learn what does LED photon therapy do, you will notice a higher intensity is sometimes needed. This is one of the light-emitting diodes that helps bring that power to life. The last LED diode is also high power, and you can have up to 3 colors inside. That adds a lot of customizability to the photon therapy devices.
How LED Photon Therapy differs from other light therapies?
Photon therapy is a great solution if you want a painless, simple way of dealing with various skin problems like psoriasis or acne. Unlike other light therapies that use lasers, this one is not as intrusive, nor is it painful. You get the best LED photon therapy machine, customize it to the desired levels that your skin can endure, and you will be good to go.
Aside from treating skin problems, this therapy is also very good if you want to alleviate pain. It’s similar to a low-level laser therapy, but at the same time, it encourages photobiomodulation and it uses the latest dermatology science to deliver excellent results and astounding value.
Applications of LED Photon Therapy
Skincare treatments
The LED photon therapy system is great if you want to protect your skin and also alleviate various skin issues. It does a very good job against issues like acne, but also psoriasis. And on top of that, it can promote anti-aging effects, since it removes dead skin and it encourages new skin to grow. That also means many skin conditions find it harder to evolve, and many times those just go away.
Pain management
It can also be a very good option to consider if you’re dealing with pain. By shifting to specific light wavelengths, you will be able to target certain areas and feel relief. It’s an exceptional solution to keep in mind, especially if you are dealing with pain ever so often.
Sports medicine and recovery
And that leads us into the next benefit, which is sports medicine. Since it can alleviate pain and encourage recovery, photon therapy is very efficient and helpful for athletes. While it’s used mostly on the skin, it can be great for a variety of body parts. That’s especially true for areas like the knees, ankles and other body regions that are prone to damage and injuries. While it won’t help with immediate recovery, it will deliver long term recovery benefits when you stick with it.
Side effects and risks associated with LED Photon Therapy
Are there any side effects related to LED therapy? The AAD states that this therapy is safe, but it does mention it can be dangerous for people with very sensitive skin. Also, if you’re using skin treatments that make your skin sensitive to sunlight, that can be problematic.
Aside from that, you can encounter certain risks, like hives, pain, tenderness, rashes, increased inflammation and many others. If that’s the case, then you need to talk with your doctor as quickly as possible. These can be an isolated incident, or a side effect from exposure to LED photon therapy.
The photon therapy doesn’t have any recovery time, which makes it ideal for those that want to use LED devices and want a speedy recovery. You will need at least 10 sessions, and results appear overtime. However, results for this type of therapy are not permanent, so that’s something to consider.
How to Use LED Photon Therapy Devices?
Guidance on selecting appropriate devices
There are different devices that focus on specific light colors and intensities. It’s very important to perform your due diligence and learn as much as possible about the benefits of that therapy. You also want to be certain that you’re getting a device with warranty, and that you have complete control over its intensity and other features.
Proper usage techniques
- First, you need to have goggles during the procedure. That’s because you don’t want to see intense light flashes and pulses, those can damage your eyesight. So it’s imperative to wear goggles for this, if you can.
- Then you lie on the back, and the service provider will add the LED therapy device onto the desired area of your body. The treatment is not very long, and the LED light intensity can be changed based on your preference.
- The device will be moved back and forth onto the area, if that’s necessary. Or it can target solely an area, in order to deliver much better results.
Frequency and duration of treatments
You will need to go through at least 10 sessions in order to obtain the desired results. Depending on the target area, these sessions will last around 20 to 30 minutes at most. Keep in mind that this therapy is not going to fully solve any skin issues. It needs to be repeated at least 1-2 times a year if you want consistent results. The same thing can be said if you are using it for pain relief. While it helps alleviate pain, the pain will eventually come back if you’re not using the right treatment for it.
LED photon therapy is very powerful and, used properly, has the potential to help protect your skin. It’s very dependable, and you can also fully customize it according to your needs. While it’s primarily used for facial skincare, it can be great for pain relief and other similar treatments. That’s what makes it an exceptional solution to take into account!