How to Clean Your Cavitation Machine

Investing in a cavitation machine is an exceptional idea since it can help you stay in very good shape. But at the same time, you also want to learn how to keep the machine working at the best level. That’s why you need to know how to clean the cavitation machine and find the ideal ways of performing disinfection and sanitization. Adequate hygiene will boost the efficiency of a cavitation machine and prolong its lifespan.
If you are serious about buying a cavitation machine, you also need to know how to clean an ultrasonic cavitation machine. Thankfully, the cleaning process is not an issue as long as you follow all the guidelines. Once you acquire the right cleaning supplies and perform regular maintenance, results will be great. Your machine will function at the right parameters, and you will be amazed by its exceptional quality and ease of use.
Importance of Keeping Your Cavitation Machine Clean
Why should you focus on keeping the cavitation machine clean? The most important thing here is that not cleaning the machine will lead to dust, grime, and bacteria accumulation. By reusing the machine, you are exposing your body to those compounds. That can lead to infections or health issues. So not only will you improve the operational performance of the device, but you will also protect yourself from exposure to a potentially dangerous external surface of the machine.
However, keeping the machine clean will provide you with more than that. It can be a very good way for you to ensure that the machine retains an optimal performance. You get to check the internal components, see if anything is wrong, and replace them with ease. Plus, an adequate cleaning routine will maintain the quality of the device. It won’t hamper the device; instead, it will help it run for many months and years into the future.
Preparing for Cleaning
The idea of cleaning cavitation machines might seem overwhelming at first. However, before you do anything, you want to make sure you prepare the machine for this process. There are a few steps to consider before you start cleaning it.
Safety precautions
One of the first things you want to do is to wear gloves whenever you want to clean the device. That’s because many internal components are very sensitive to dust and can also be destroyed by electricity. It’s the reason why you want to wear gloves, to avoid any electricity from forming. Also, unplugging the machine is a must-have since it helps with electrical safety. It will also prevent any internal issues while lowering the chances of machine upkeep problems.
Gathering necessary cleaning supplies
Cleaning the cavitation machine is usually a very seamless and simple process. However, you will need to acquire the right cleaning supplies. Ideally, you want to have mild detergent, a microfiber cloth, and any product required by the manufacturer for cleaning. We always recommend checking the cavitation machine’s manual, as the manufacturer might have specific cleaning guidelines. That’s not always the case, but some of them will offer information in that regard.
Step-by-Step Cleaning Process for Cavitation Machine
Cleaning the External Parts
One of the first things you want to do is to clean the external parts. These are usually very easy to clean since you can remove them with ease and then use mild detergent on a microfiber cloth. Ensure that everything is clean, and then you can let it dry out. While you could use a hair dryer and other similar tools, you can also let the external parts dry out naturally. It’s a good idea to consider and keep in mind here.
Cleaning the Cavitation Probes
The main step in the cavitation machine maintenance is to clean the cavitation probe. For the most part, the first thing you want to do is to check the manual from the manufacturer. There might be specifics on how to clean up the probes. Use non-abrasive detergent and warm water on the probes, but make sure that you remove them properly according to the instructions. Then again, you let them dry out and re-attach them back to the machine.
Cleaning the Internal Components
In the case of internal components, you will encounter electronics and components that can be damaged by water. Screens and wires can be wiped with a wet towel. But in the case of electronics, a dry towel will be more than enough. Here, you can still remove dust and debris. Any non-abrasive cleaning tool that doesn’t use water and which can reach tight spaces might also be suitable here as well.
Drying and Reassembling
You can let the components air dry before you reassemble the entire machine. Or you can forcefully dry them, depending on the situation. We think that leaving them to dry out for half a day or a day would be more than enough. Sometimes, it can take even less than that.
Regular Maintenance Tips
Once you complete the regular cleaning process, you have to think about consistent maintenance. The truth is that a cavitation machine will require consistent maintenance and not just a one-time cleaning process. Thankfully, if you clean it adequately and often, it will work within the right parameters.
Recommended cleaning schedule
How often should you clean the cavitation machine? That’s a very good question, and it usually comes down to how much you use it. If you use the machine very often, then cleaning it thoroughly after 3-4 uses is a good idea. However, you should also perform probe care after each use. It will be a lot better for the device’s effectiveness, and it can still provide great value as well.
Tips for prolonging the lifespan of the machine
- One of the best things that you can do is to clean the machine every time you use it, or as close as possible to that. The reason is simple, adequate cleanup maintains great effectiveness, and it will increase the lifespan of the device.
- Always read the user manual provided by the manufacturer. It will give you very good, insightful information on how to use the device adequately and also ensure that you won’t have to deal with any issues or problems down the line.
- Suppose any part gets damaged; repair or replace it. Use the warranty provided by the manufacturer to ensure you won’t spend anything while still getting the item replaced/repaired accordingly.
- Lubricate any of the parts that require consistent movement. Lubrication will increase the durability and reliability of those parts. In addition, you will not have the device break down as often, so it’s always something to consider.
- Switch between the different programs and identify the best one that fits your needs. Optimize the program so it doesn’t require as much power. In doing so, you can have a much better return on investment.
- Always maintain a clean, sanitized environment around the cavitation machine. That means less exposure to the elements and bacteria, something that will protect you and keep you safe.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
There are situations when the cavitation machine will encounter some problems; depending on the situation, you may have to figure out how to solve them. Ideally, you want to troubleshoot those problems and narrow down the right solution.
What to do if the machine shows issues after cleaning?
Generally, these issues might be caused by the software or maybe an improper re-assembly. The best thing that you can do in this situation is to go through a few important tips:
- Unplug the machine and double-check to make sure everything was reassembled properly and without any errors.
- Lower the motor speed or reset the settings, then set up the machine again. It might be the case that the machine needs a reset at times.
- Check the probes and see if they were attached correctly. One of the most common problems is that the probes are not attached adequately, and that can lead to certain problems when using the device.
- Double-check the manual for any guidance when it comes to issues. Some manufacturers also have detailed instructions on how to re-engage or restart the unit.
- Sometimes, contact gel will get in the handles, and that will lead to damage. The gel itself is a water-based, conductive medium, so if it enters the handle, it will short the contacts. Avoid using too much gel; that will prevent any potential issues.
- Emitter failure can also be an issue, mainly because the emitter gets detached from the working surface. In some cases, the device settings get lost. It might also be the case that the device’s emitter might have internal deformations, which can be problematic as well.
- The handle wires might be broken. That’s usually very hard to notice, mainly because these wires are under an insulated layer. Make sure that the wire does not touch any oil or gel.
- When you clean the device, make sure that no detergent enters the device. Making sure that you use only a small amount of detergent is crucial; as we said, this medium is sensitive to water. It becomes especially true if you clean near a spot where there are many electrical/electronic components.
- If you encounter any noise, that means the ventilation system might not be working as expected. In that case, the best approach is to clean the ventilation system and lubricate the device to boost its effectiveness.
When to seek professional help?
If you tried the basic reset and manufacturer guidelines, but those don’t work, try to seek professional help. Don’t go any further with your attempts to revive the device unless you have to. Remember that the cavitation machine is a very sensitive device, and if you damage it, that can lead to problems. Not only that, but damage might also bring expensive repairs as well.
Regular maintenance can help ensure your cavitation machine will work properly and without any issues for a very long time. If you want to keep your machine running at the right parameters, follow these guidelines, and remember, you should clean up the cavitation device as often as you can. Not only will it protect your device, but it will streamline its operation and help it run better. You can perform regular maintenance every month, although it is recommended to clean up the device after every use as well!